Quick Solutions Company provides services and solutions for about 250 governmental client (composed of the ministry of interior and municipalities, municipalities, municipal unions, governorates and districts) all over Lebanon. Its experts are positioned to develop and deliver the proposed activities, workshops, training sessions, on-job training, and provision of support as needed.

Administrative and financial services
Our team demonstrated its knowledge base and technical capability from the first year QSC was established by improving the municipal financial and administrative work in Lebanon.
Our administrative and financial services include:
- Study, design and create new hierarchical structure and internal organization order for municipalities.
- Design and implement municipal workflow procedures.
- Implement and organize municipalities’ archive.
- Assist municipalities in preparing financial budget and produce required periodical and annual financial statements.
Technical services
Our team designed, developed and implemented technical, administrative, and financial solutions for governmental clients such as the ministry of interior and municipalities, municipalities, municipal unions, governorates and districts in Lebanon.
Our technical services include:
- Conduct assessments and prepare technical studies leading to better utilization of information technology solutions.
- Design, develop, implement and maintain automated systems.
- Recommend and perform training for organizational employees.

Infrastructure and hardware services
QSC provides its clients with the appropriate hardware and related infrastructure, including:
Our administrative and financial services include:
- Study and advise clients of their need in terms of infrastructure and hardware.
- Design and implement structured wired and wireless networks.
- Provide all hardware equipment and maintenance.