About Quick Solutions
Quick Solutions Company was established in Lebanon in 2010, to assist governmental institutions and municipalities achieving significant and measurable results in administrative, financial and technical issues. Currently Quick Solutions is working with the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities (3 Governmental Agencies), 4 Governorates, 9 Districts, 13 Municipal Unions, 227 Municipalities.
Our team constitutes of professionals in key areas, such as public finance, public administration and computer engineering. The team consists of technical people, who are responsible for systems’ development and maintenance and the implementation of high end technologies at our clients’ premises, and experts who are responsible for the proper implementation of the systems and for auditing financial statements and administrative forms. In summary, we work with each institutional client to develop solutions to achieve performance improvement goals.
Going back in history, most of QSC staff worked for about 12 years as consultants on United States Agency for International Development funded program to assist more than 700 local municipalities, the Lebanese Parliament, and central government ministries and oversight agencies, which was terminated at 2010.